
  • A Home Away From Home

    Welcome to Dayal House
成为我们住宿社区的一员意味着您加入了一个家庭. 来自世界各地的近40名mg冰球突破试玩(28名mg冰球突破试玩住在校园Dayal House), 我们的寄宿学生真正实现了学校的使命,即成为“一个包容的卓越智力社区,学习者创造性地探索他们的激情,大胆地激发世界的积极变化。.”

在我们的学生生活工作人员的带领下,我们的项目被设计成像家外之家一样. 学生得到支持和指导,mg冰球突破试玩家庭在这里帮助每个学生在学业和社会上取得成功. Unlike traditional boarding schools, our thoughtfully crafted program, 小尺寸, 并关注每个学生,为每个学生提供个人关注和照顾.

Benefits of living at Dayal House

  • 地理位置便利,距离学校大楼和活动仅几步之遥
  • 美丽的现代设计,结合了舒适,家的感觉
  • 在我们75多英亩的土地上,有绝佳的景色和自然环境
  • 计划好的节目,包括去当地城市和景点的旅行
  • Campus-wide WiFi accessibility
  • Amenities including laundry, flat-screen TV, and study spaces
  • Single and double rooms to accommodate up to 28 students

Tie Shizheng '17

“我真的很感激mg冰球突破试玩给我的机会,让我花时间与我的兄弟家人. They taught me a lot, both in school and in my American life."

关于 Dayal House

Maumee Valley’s boarding program is housed in the $1.6 million Dayal House. 宿舍楼的设计是为了给学生营造一个家庭式的氛围. 从宽敞的公共空间到设备齐全的主厨房,Dayal House给人一种家的感觉. 学生生活工作人员包括四名成年人,他们与学生建立密切的关系,并指导他们建立友谊,培养重要的社交和领导技能.

Located across the Anning Lawn from the Upper School, the Dayal House is the place on campus where boarding, 国际, and day students meet after school to work on projects, get tutoring help with homework/papers, 或者只是闲逛.

Student life at Dayal House

The experienced and well-trained staff, led by the Director of Student Life, 提供指导和指导,以满足学生在住宿社区的需要. With a 7:1 student-resident faculty ratio, 工作人员非常了解学生,并在他们成长为学生的过程中与他们一起工作, 领导人, 全球公民, and young adults.

学生生活工作人员强调充满活力的住宿体验在学生的整体教育中发挥着不可或缺的作用. As advisors for the students, 员工们在培养信任文化方面做得非常出色, 尊重, 开放, and personal responsibility among all of the students.


  • 将住宿学生整合到更大的莫米山谷学生群体中.

  • Maintaining a safe, clean, and positive residential community.

  • 监督和促进平衡,健康和健康的住宿学生.

  • Providing a dynamic and enriching co-curricular experience.

  • Supporting the individual needs and issues of students.

Highlights of the Dayal House and boarding program include:

  • 7:1 student-to-staff ratio
  • Two full kitchens
  • 宽敞的共享
  • Secure environment
  • 漂亮的风景
  • Steps from classes and athletics facilities
  • Comfortable, home-like feel
  • Amenities including free laundry, WiFi, TV, study spaces
  • All-inclusive tuition
  • Academic support nightly
  • Weekend/evening activities
  • Cultural immersion

The Dayal House: A Sample Weekly Schedule

Weekday schedule

8 a.m.: Classes in the Upper School
3 p.m.: Classes end; students check in at Dayal House
3:15 pm: Free time for clubs, activities, and athletics
6 p.m.: Dinner is served family style
7 p.m.: 家庭会议在公共场所沟通重要信息
8 p.m.: Study Hours, academic support, running errands
10 p.m.: 安静的时间
11 p.m.: 熄灯


8 a.m.: Self-serve breakfast
11:30 a.m.: 午餐
5 p.m.: Dinner in Dayal House or a night out
11 p.m.: Curfew and quiet time
12 a.m.: 熄灯


A Quiet Oasis Minutes From the City

While many boarding schools are in small towns or rural areas, Maumee Valley美丽的75英亩校园距离托莱多市中心只有几分钟的路程, an 国际 hub for business, 运输, and cultural attractions. Students benefit from the location in a variety of ways:
  • Detroit Metropolitan Airport 距离校园45分钟,有直达美国和国际上几乎所有主要城市的航班.
  • Toledo is home to minor league sports, including the 托莱多泥鸡 (棒球) & 角膜白斑 (曲棍球).
  • Northwest Ohio has an incredible 动物园, 艺术博物馆,以及亲身体验 科学中心.
  • 杉点乐园, “the best amusement park in the world,” is an hour’s drive.
  • 托莱多离底特律(1小时)、克利夫兰(2小时)、哥伦布(2小时)很近.5 hours), and Chicago (4 hours).
  • 10多所学院和研究型大学距离校园不到50英里.
  • Metroparks Toledo 是全国最好的城市之一,提供无数的机会去探索大自然,享受温暖和寒冷的天气活动.
Move-out day will be here before you know it. Our official storage provider is 宇宙飞船, 他们在这里帮你处理这个夏天的事情,这样你就可以把注意力集中在真正重要的事情上——学校!

Here's how it all works:
  • They send you boxes and tape. 你打包
  • 安排一个提货的时间,当你不在的时候把东西储存起来,当你回来的时候把所有东西都运回来.
  • Graduating or not returning to campus? 宇宙飞船 can also ship boxes home or to your new school.
Why Spaceship is the right choice for you:
  • Up to $100 coverage included per box.
  • Climate-protected storage and 24/7 security.
  • BBB A+ Accredited.
现在注册 并加入成千上万的学生,他们通过储存和运输,使他们和他们的父母的生活更轻松 宇宙飞船!

有问题? Text 856-369-3676 or call 855-552-8624.


  • Your Educational Journey Begins Today

    Welcome to Maumee Valley
    For more information contact us at admissions@koi365slot.net or by calling 419-381-1313.
mg冰球突破试玩是唯一一所经过prek -12年级认证的学校, 男女合校, and independent school in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan.