
  • Financing a Maumee Valley education

    EdChoice: What you need to know
EdChoice scholarships are now available for all Ohio students in 幼儿园 through 12th grade. 的re are two types:

  • 授予任何来自指定公立学校的学生.
  • No income verification is required.
  • 颁发给居住在俄亥俄州的任何K-12学生.
  • Income verification is required.
  • Here is a step-by-step guide to the state’s income verification process.
  • 如果申请者被mg冰球突破试玩录取, 然后,这个家庭可以向莫米山谷提交一份完整的 EdChoice Scholarship Program Request Form, the child’s birth certificate, and proof of current address (current month utility bill or monthly mortgage statement less than 60 days old). Maumee Valley代表家庭提交EdChoice奖学金申请.
  • EdChoice奖学金申请一经批准, the accepted Maumee Valley applicant will be issued an enrollment contract reflecting the scholarship amount along with any additional scholarship or 灵活的学费.
  • Depending upon grade and income, EdChoice家庭可以获得850美元到8美元不等的奖励,407 per child enrolled in school. 
For more information, visit the Ohio Department of Education's website. 有关mg冰球突破试玩EdChoice的问题,请发送电子邮件 edchoice@koi365slot.net.


  • 3月11日星期一

    Discover the Maumee Valley Advantage
在这段特殊的经历中,花一天时间作为mg冰球突破试玩的学生. 的 next dates are Nov. 5, 2024, and March 10, 2025. Check back for registration information.

的se events are for students now in 幼儿园 through 10th grade and who next year will enter 1st through 11th grade. You will be paired with a current student with similar interests and together will attend classes and assemblies, 参观校园, talk with faculty and other students, and have lunch on us in the Dining Hall. 这是发现mg冰球突破试玩不同之处的最好方式. We are excited to show you around!

Application process at Maumee Valley


  • Financing a Maumee Valley Education

    灵活的学费: What you need to know

灵活的学费 at a glance

Q: What is 灵活的学费?
A: 灵活的学费 is not a grant or an award but additional funds provided on an annual basis. 的 family submits income and expenses on the 事实门户 and the MV 灵活的学费 Committee reviews the provided calculations to determine the flexible tuition amount.

Q: How often do I apply for EdChoice?
Families apply each year as their circumstances, school budget, and tuition amounts change. 如果一个家庭的经济状况没有显著变化, 他们不应该期望他们的灵活学费数额会有很大的变化.

问题? 联系 the Business Office at 419-381-1313 ext. 132或电邮 edchoice@koi365slot.net.

灵活的学费 scenarios


  • Scenario 1: 1 student (幼儿园)

    家庭规模: 4
    家庭收入: $113,000
    Standard tuition rate: $21,100
    Flexible tuition amount: $15,300
    Flexible tuition as a percent of household income: 14%
  • Scenario 2: 1 student (10th Grade)

    家庭规模: 4
    家庭收入: $252,000
    Standard tuition rate: $26,600
    Flexible tuition amount: $20,600
    Flexible tuition as a percent of household income: 8%
  • Scenario 3: 1 student (10th Grade)

    家庭规模: 4
    家庭收入: $170,000
    Standard tuition rate: $26,600
    Flexible tuition amount: $13,500
    Flexible tuition as a percent of household income: 8%
  • Scenario 4: 3 students (幼儿园, 1st, 4th)

    家庭规模: 5
    家庭收入: $113,000
    Standard tuition rate: $65,500
    Flexible tuition amount: $30,000
    Flexible tuition as a percent of household income: 26%
  • Scenario 5: 2 students (2nd, 6th)

    家庭规模: 4
    家庭收入: $197,000
    Standard tuition rate: $46,600
    Flexible tuition amount: $32,600
    Flexible tuition as a percent of household income: 17%



  • Financing a Maumee Valley education

    奖学金 & Awards: What you need to know

Other resources for financing an MV education


  • Maumee Valley Merit 奖学金 & 养老-Funded Awards

    • Merit 奖学金: Awarded to qualified applicants for grades 6 to 9. Up to seven renewable scholarships worth $2,500 each can be awarded in both categories each year:
      • 鹰派mg冰球突破试玩: 获奖者的选择完全基于学业成绩.
      • Mv使命奖: Recipients are selected based on academic record in addition to contributions through extracurricular and community engagement.
      • 养老:mg冰球突破试玩很幸运地拥有多个命名的捐赠基金. 其中一些根据特定标准提供新的学生奖学金. (信息和时间表将在积极的申请过程中共享.)
  • NW OHIO scholarship fund, 俄亥俄州529, SGO

    • NW Ohio Scholarship Fund 外部组织是否提供私人资助的奖学金 for K-8 students. More information can be found at Northwest Ohio Scholarship Fund.
    • 俄亥俄州529 税收优惠的投资计划是为了鼓励储蓄教育费用吗. Funds from 529 accounts can now be used to pay tuition for students attending private K-12 schools. 联系 your financial advisor for more information.
    • Maumee Valley is a participant in Ohio's Scholarship Granting Organization program. 该项目的资金直接来自俄亥俄州的纳税人, 谁获得了每人750美元的州税减免. 纳税人在捐赠时,可以指定由哪个国家政府机关接受捐赠. Maumee Valley将把收到的钱集中起来,作为奖学金颁发. 了解更多 | 捐款

学费 & 费用

  • 2024 - 2025年的学费 & 费用
    Maumee Valley is an exceptional school where students are the focus of all educational activities. 这种丰富的环境提供了许多独特的体验和机会. 的 cost of our tuition reflects the value of this experience and the investment required to sustain it.
  • 2023 - 2024年的学费 & 费用


来看看mg冰球突破试玩的招生办公室吧 (左起): 莎拉Bigenho (associate director of admission operations); 迈克尔的房子 (director of enrollment management - grades 9-12 and international); and 穆纳Joshi (associate director of admission for PreK-8). 

问题 about visiting campus? 联系 the Office of 入学 at admissions@koi365slot.net or 419-381-1313.


  • Your Educational Journey Begins Today

    Welcome to Maumee Valley
    For more information contact us at admissions@koi365slot.net or by calling 419-381-1313.
mg冰球突破试玩是唯一一所经过prek -12年级认证的学校, 男女合校, 以及俄亥俄州西北部和密歇根州东南部的独立学校.